HI-Q Nails w Clifton

Stany ZjednoczoneHI-Q Nails



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52, Main Avenue, 07014, Clifton, Passaic County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 973-284-6446
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.828694, Longitude: -74.1422429

komentarze 5

  • en

    Jessica acosta


    was charged $45 for a gel pedicure def over priced not to mention the job was horrible. will not go back

  • en

    Amalia Ocasio


    First time there my gel colored nails lasted for three weeks! Next few visits they chipped within the first 2 days. Usually no wait so that's a plus. The pedicure girls are all very sweet and do a pretty good job.Downside..they charge more than most and they add on charges afterwards. Most salons have weekly specials...not them.The owner is very rude when you ask her why and tells people to be quiet because she is getting a headache when questioned. She lost 2 customers for 4 dollars!

  • Neysa Dejesus

    Neysa Dejesus


    They are really nice. The one lady who answered the phone was not paying attention so could of done better however I will give another chance. The foot massage was so so good! It’s not amazing there but because there so pleasant I will go back. A lot of places are super rude. So I will go back cause very polite there.

  • en

    Jasmine Pritchett


    Boy I wish I had looked at the reviews before I came here. I was in a rush so I just needed to take my gel tips off until I had time to do a full set. The lady that did them had no idea what she was doing. I asked her why she had left some of the coating on and she told me to bite it off in 2 days. That wasn't the worst of it. I got a half job done and she charged me the manicure price. When I questioned her why she charged me for a manicure(she asked me if I wanted a manicure initially and I said no) she just gave me a $5 coupon for next time. She knew she was wrong because she started to get uneasy. Because of the stressful day I had, I didn't feel like arguing so I paid and left. Needless to say this was the most horrible nail experience I have had EVER! Beware of this place...what a ripoff!

  • Maggie Stroe

    Maggie Stroe


    Love the mani pedi deal but the gels chipped after only one week

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