hernan prada hair en Scarsdale

Estados Unidoshernan prada hair



🕗 horarios

130, Brook Street, 10583, Scarsdale, Westchester County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 914-574-5367
sitio web: www.hernanprada.com
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.9773824, Longitude: -73.8060989

comentarios 5

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    Ileana Negron


    My first visit with Teo turned out to be a very positive experience. I must say I walked out very pleased with my hair looking beautiful and feeling extremely silky. I have made my second appointment with Teo! Looking forward to another awesome hair coloring experience. Thanks, Teo, for your professionalism and education on hair care with your eco-friendly products.

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    Linda Benish


    Great haircut, Thank you Teo. Friendly staff.

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    Debra A


    I highly recommend Hernan Prada Hair and especially Alexa. I was lucky enough to find her after a long search for someone who understands my hair and could give me a good cut and style. I have thick, course hair and keep it in a braid because it’s difficult to manage. The services I opted for were a haircut, the Clear Shine treatment, and Eco Pash Color treatment (an eco-friendly balayge). Alexa gave me an incredible cut after explaining what would be good for my hair type. As she styled my hair, she explained to me what products she was using and why, and gave me tips for styling it. Alexa is an amazing stylist. I left her chair loving my hair cut & color and feeling empowered to style it myself. Alyssa, who washed my hair and gave me the shine treatment, is also incredible. Her wash feels more like a scalp massage, and you will leave her chair feeling relaxed. The chairs at the sink are actually recliners so that your neck doesn’t cramp. The vibe of the salon is calming and all the staff are lovely. The interior is beautiful. Expect to be offered coffee or water (or other beverages from their list). When I left the salon, I felt like I had been at the spa, only with a great cut and color.

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    michele capolino


    I had a wonderful experience at Hernan Prada hair . From the moment I walked in until the time I left everyone was welcoming , knowledgeable and couldn't do enough for me. Teo echo posh my hair and the color turned out magnificent. My hair never looked so young and healthy. I have psoriasis and was having problems with hair color and it didn't bother my scape and the color was brilliant ! Now the haircut I told Teo do what you want. I let him do his thing He not only did a porfessional job but it looks sophisticated yet can look funky. Love it so much I highly recommend anyone to Herman Prada and their professional staff

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    Jen Vasil


    I dont see what all the fuss is about. I left with an uneven cut and the worst blow out of my life. The service is top notch, but the "Barcelona techniques" im not so sure about...

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