Heritage Fuel Inc en Croton Falls

Estados UnidosHeritage Fuel Inc


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8, Front Street, 10519, Croton Falls, Westchester County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 914-277-8088
sitio web: www.heritagefuel.com
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 41.3478923, Longitude: -73.6625264

comentarios 3

  • en



    I cannot say enough good things about Heritage Fuel! Their customer service is absolutely superb. I am also saving significantly on a new boiler installation and I'm saving 0.40 per gallon on fuel costs as compared to my former provider.

  • Ray Rose

    Ray Rose


    In late 2012, Heritage Fuel replaced our entire heating/cooling system, with a conversion from oil heat to propane. There were various complications (none of them Heritage's fault), including an oil tank leak and then Hurricane Sandy struck right in the middle of the job. We've been on automatic propane delivery with Heritage since then. Even two years after the job, there is still nothing for us to complain about. They had infinite patience with me (and there was much to try their patience) through the whole ordeal, and the workmanship was superb. If you read reviews of heating systems carefully, you'll find the pros always say the perceived quality of the hardware is mostly a function of how good a job the installer did. I'm sure this explains why our new system has performed so well.

  • Steven McCoy

    Steven McCoy


    Superb quality work on re-piping of oil furnace, together with friendly and prompt onsite inspection and repairs.

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