Here We Go Again Deluxe Resale Boutique w Portland

Stany ZjednoczoneHere We Go Again Deluxe Resale Boutique



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2438, Northeast Broadway Street, 97232, Portland, Multnomah County, US Estados Unidos
kontakt telefon: +1 503-244-0855
strona internetowej:
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Latitude: 45.5350551, Longitude: -122.6403128

komentarze 5

  • KT TenHoopen

    KT TenHoopen


    I had a surprisingly relaxed and enjoyable shopping experiences in this sweet little shop. The uber-helpful staff made me feel like a Goddess! They also had no reservations being completely honest when a piece or two wasn't the best fit for me.

  • eesins



    Thumps up for shopping. Some items are oddly priced...but there are some "finds" there. Quite a variety. Thumbs down on consigning. The staff is pretty nice except when you bring your items in, then all of a sudden you are a leper. They go off to their side room and whisper about your clothes.They have taken most of my items, so this isn't an ego bruised rant. It is just an odd and alienating process. Also, shocked about what I receive in return. For example I brought in $250 luxury brand tuxedo pants with tags... They priced them at $25 and I received about $9ish. If they were consistent, that would make sense, but then I see a worn and faded item on their rack for more, it does not compute. I think I would prefer to give my clothing away. "New To You" has been a better feeling experience. But again... fine for the shopping and a nice selection of boots as well.

  • en

    calla vastola


    I visited the Johns Landing store on a whim while visiting family in the Portland area two years ago, and now every time I am in the area I make a special trip to BOTH locations! All the staff I have come in contact with have been very friendly. I have not left either store without a purchase. I wish I lived closer so I could visit more often. I've recently lost some weight and look forward to my next visit to try on all the fun items I find in a smaller size.

  • en

    Un usuario de Google


    I went into this shop for the first time this week after putting a reminder in my phone that kept flashing for several weeks. I was a bit nervous about what to expect, as some resale shops, or boutiques in general have an attitude, but not this one! I went in and was immediately greeted by friendly staff and as soon as I picked up items I was interested in, the sales associate put them in the dressing room so I wouldn't have to carry them around the store, and she was extremely knowledgeable and friendly! Great items in the store, easy to consign with... I will be back again, and again!

  • Alyssa Rehse

    Alyssa Rehse


    I swing by their John's Landing shop on my way home from work, pretty often. It is a little hit or miss, but I've gotten some great pieces here. I picked up the perfect pair of black leather boots here yesterday, and the gals at the shop were really helpful--even offering styling tips. I really like how they have a good range of clothing from really inexpensive ($10-$12) to hard to find designer items. I've recommended it to many of my friends. Just know, you need to stop by often, because their inventory is always changing.

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