Henry I. Ferdman, DDS P.C. w Babylon

Stany ZjednoczoneHenry I. Ferdman, DDS P.C.



🕗 godziny otwarcia

496, West Main Street, 11702, Babylon, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 631-669-1878
strona internetowej: babylondentist.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.688624, Longitude: -73.338671

komentarze 5

  • en

    Andrei Bandarchuk


    Dr. Ferdman is amazing. He is very professional and very knowledgeable. He takes his time with patients and explains every procedure in a language that is easily understood for someone who is not a dentist. I needed a couple of fillings and a crown and got everything done hassle-free. And his numbing technique is completely painless!!

  • en

    Elena Stotskaya


    I am very happy that I found the right dentist for me. Dr Ferdman is very knolegable and he really is taking his time explaining , he gives options and does not push on the most expensive treatment. I went to the chain dentist before, the treatment plan was crasy expensive and they tried to sell me invisalighn and couple more out of pocket procedures. My friend recommended me Dr Ferdman and I am glad I found him.

  • en

    Elizabeth Jaquay


    After going to 4 different dentists over 4 years I can finally say I found one! Dr. Ferdman took his time, explained everything to me during my initial visit and while needing a cavity filled. He is extremely patient and knowledge, I highly recommend him and his staff. The dental hygienist was also very knowledgeable and very sweet.

  • Stef Rodriguez

    Stef Rodriguez


    Wonderful office, great experience!! Who wants to go to the dentist?? I'll tell ya, I do not mind it at all. Welcoming and made me feel extremely comfortable. I would recommend Dr. Ferdman to everyone near and far!

  • en

    Whitney ifeanyi


    Came in as a walk in patient, in need of urgent care. The front desk was so pleasant, put themselves into my shoes and put me in the chair within two minutes. Treated me with the most care and were so supportive. Dr. Ferdman was just straight out phenomenal. So gentle, took his time, thoroughly explained everything to me exceptional!! In addition, the office is squeaky clean I recommend one thousand times!!!

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