Heights Nail Spa w Houston

Stany ZjednoczoneHeights Nail Spa



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1901, Taylor Street, 77007, Houston, Harris County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 346-571-3097
strona internetowej: www.heightsnailspa.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 29.7749825, Longitude: -95.3851461

komentarze 5

  • en

    Margaret Kelley


    Beautiful salon but prices are high and not worth it. Asked specifically for gel and received only manicure that didn't last AT ALL!

  • en

    Renee Ramirez


    Went today for the first time and saw Vivienne. I went early, like10:30am on a Wednesay so it wasn't busy. I got the dip powder, coffin tip nails by suggestion from Vivienne and they look beautiful. I'll definitely be returning. My total was $55 and I left a $10 tip. A bit pricier then I'm use to but definitely not unreasonable.

  • Brandi Neal

    Brandi Neal


    I have no complaints. This was my first time here, for a pedicure and I enjoyed my service! I loved all the options of nail polish they had and the modern look. Very professional, she really took her time and I like the results! I would recommend. Very relaxing and didn’t push me to get a more expensive pedicure. Mine was $36

  • Celeste Velasquez

    Celeste Velasquez


    Great place if you like overly fast service, chandeliers, and bubbly BUT not if you want to relax, get thorough service. Very pushy to up-sell and if you don't agree some of the techs can be rude and short. Not all of them but I've had one too many. Switching nail salons.

  • Jenny Drews

    Jenny Drews


    My first visit a few months ago was just a result of how close it was to my house. I have continually gone back since because of how wonderful the service is; there is also an incredible variety of options at a great price. The staff is very friendly and works hard. I'll be back soon for a new round of beautiful nails. :)

najbliższy Salon piękności

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