Hector's On Broadway w Santa Ana

Stany ZjednoczoneHector's On Broadway



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409, North Broadway, 92701, Santa Ana, Orange County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 714-285-9896
strona internetowej: hectorsonbroadway.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 33.74839, Longitude: -117.8694683

komentarze 5

  • Yuly Chavez

    Yuly Chavez


    My first time here not really a good place, service very poor I have to wait 20 min for them to ask what I wanted to drink and food taking for ever, and Im here still waiting for my drink. I wont recommend this place at all. 😡😡😡😡😡😡👎👎👎👎

  • en

    C.J. Rah


    Lunch was a surprise. Closed sign and the strong cleaning smell almost scared us away. Hard to find a plate below $15. Needed to ask about a lunch special. Waitress offered a Carne Asada plate for $10. Chicken tacos were healthy but could use some flavor. Waitress was very attentive, but seemed disinterested. Good lunch no crowd.

  • Mighty Mike

    Mighty Mike


    It's so loud in there, you can't talk to even yourself. Unless your one of them shy freaks that hardly talk to your date, then your gold. The bar is cool, so is there food. Beer is over priced like a mofo. But the workers are nice. I noticed if you looked even buzz, security will walk you out. I saw it three times. I guess not my kind of joint.

  • Miguel Lopez

    Miguel Lopez


    Did not try the food, therefore such only means I will need to make a return trip. Went mainly to drink, they for some reason were out of beers on tap (Corona, Pacifico, n all the other ones). They did have bottled Victoria which happens to be my favorite beer (thumbs up). When I asked for a mix drink, I was told the bartender was not there yet. Not exactly sure how I feel about this experience. Hopefully my return will be better $$$$)

  • MrMoruss78 Mo

    MrMoruss78 Mo


    Was told by a friend about Hector's on Broadway. I had a vision of this lovely the with amazing Michelada's and amazing food! We got that plus some! Thumbs up: -Excellent food -Excellent drinks -Great size portions -Live music -waitress came by to check on our drinks multiple times Thumbs down: -Floors were super slippery and greasy feeling (although it was raining) -Leaking ceiling and bucket o' raindrops -Live music was super loud we had to yell to talk to each other or wait for the break -waitress forgot to put in our food order after 30 min of waiting for food - outside vendors and panhandlers allowed to come in and solicit customers I might have to try it again when it's not raining and sit further away from the live band so we can hear each other talk.

najbliższy Bar

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