Healthy Mind and Body Acupuncture LLC w Lyndhurst

Stany ZjednoczoneHealthy Mind and Body Acupuncture LLC



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480, Stuyvesant Avenue, 07071, Lyndhurst, Bergen County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 201-355-8293
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.809007, Longitude: -74.129674

komentarze 5

  • lynn chamoun

    lynn chamoun


    This is the best place to go to hands down! Roseanne is amazing I always feel better when getting acupuncture here .. super clean , very friendly and always efficient ! Whenever I have any issues or pain this is where you can find me . I can’t thank you enough for helping me with my sciatica and knee pain you’re the best !!!

  • en

    Nicole Winn


    Truly amazing! I’ve been pain free ever since I started coming for my back. She is the best!

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    Gary Spina


    I’ve had so much pain in my foot so I came to Roseanne. She helped me so much and her practice is spotless. She makes me feel so comfortable I actually enjoy coming in. I highly recommend healthy mind and body acupuncture to everyone. Roseanne is also so easy to talk too.

  • en

    Patti Diaz


    I have to say this is an amazing experience! Every time I leave here and go directly to my doctor my blood pressure is exactly the same...115 over 80. I feel so centered and balanced and no matter how stressful life is I get immediately calm and well here. My doctor and her assistant are now recommending coming here and they are believers! They know now that this works for sure 100% and it is the place to go! Healthy Mind and Body and Roseanne Sarkar are the absolute best!

  • The Mrks

    The Mrks


    My son hurt his lower back while working out at the gym. (14 years old) He had a herniated disc and after going to the chiropractor for a full month and also missing a full month of school, I didn’t know what else to do for him. I didn’t want to put him on any strong prescription medicines and the doctors suggested a cortisone shot. Well that wasn’t going to happen on my watch! I decided one morning This is it! I’m going to try acupuncture. Somehow I talked him into it. After just one session he was able to walk again! He had very little pain. After the second time, even less. Rosanne helped my son when he thought he “would never feel normal again”. As a mother those words were so hard for me to hear. It brought me to tears. Rosanne is a God send! She has gone above and beyond for my son. The place is super clean and is such a relaxing environment. I can’t wait to bring him again!

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