Headcutters w Selden

Stany ZjednoczoneHeadcutters



🕗 godziny otwarcia

968, Middle Country Road, 11784, Selden, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 631-696-5300
strona internetowej: www.headcutterssalons.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.8636195, Longitude: -73.0467559

komentarze 5

  • David Stewart

    David Stewart


    Always a pleasure to go here, friendly people, great haircuts

  • en

    16316455184 Cremmins


    Best haircut around, I always ask for Steve- a little sports,music and I'm done !!

  • en

    chrystal kot


    Receptionist was shockingly rude. I made my appointment in person the day before, left my phone number and explained exactly what i wanted. During my hair die she came up to me, while she was eating a salad and began talking to me with food in her mouth, explaining to me that my appointment was made too late (6:15) and that they are going to get stuck here late because of me. (THEY made the appointment at 6:15 knowing i wanted a cut and die) the lady who cut my hair was nice enough but as closing time approached and she was just beginning my hair cut the receptionist stood there with her jacket on and keys in hand ready to leave. I should have went with my instinct and just left with my hair wet and rescheduled the cut. The woman rushed through my haircut, cut off about 8 inches instead of 3 and gave me the most horrible, uneven haircut I’ve ever got in my entire life. My friends and coworkers joked that it looked like i cut my own hair...while blindfolded. I will never go back there again.

  • Vahnessa Toledo

    Vahnessa Toledo


    A little ridiculous that the receptionist was all types of strung out while my 6 year old daughter questions as to why the lady is “sleeping” while she’s working? She’s most defiantly on something

  • en



    I went to this location on and off for years. Some hair dressers were friendly and courteous, while others were not. Then they had a guy do my hair who had no idea what he was doing. He didn't even cut my hair. It was just a wash and blow out and charged me 40 dollars for a blow out that looked horrible! That's unheard of. The older woman receptionist is very nasty and was nasty toward my son as well as to other children.Thought this place was supposed to be family friendly. Never again!!

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