HDR Dental Offices w New York

Stany ZjednoczoneHDR Dental Offices



🕗 godziny otwarcia

205, Port Richmond Avenue, 10302, Richmond County, New York, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 718-727-2555
strona internetowej: hdrdental.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.636112, Longitude: -74.134401

komentarze 5

  • Khan Malik

    Khan Malik


    Bad Experience with recepsionists did not even checked the register while waiting 45 minutes Very Unprossional People. will not recommend Anyone.

  • Andrea Jamison

    Andrea Jamison


    Place was very clean but a little unprofessional. How? Well I arrived a half hour early for my appointment. They literally had me sitting there another hour just for another patients daughter to go first because she had “work” so I was skipped and then they gave me forms to fill out instead of giving it to me right when I first arrived and I also didn’t like the room was placed in. They had the door open and someone was literally sitting in front of the door looking at the assistant taking pictures of my teeth and then when the Dr came to talk me and they possibly heard our conversation and he didn’t even shut the door. Disappointing.

  • Blazing Roy

    Blazing Roy


    It was awesome. The staff and dentist were really nice and understanding of the multiple issues I had. Definitely worth going to or checking out

  • Rema Balambika

    Rema Balambika


    Dr. Om Chainani is very gentle. Makes sure the procedure is painless. He also responds to emailed questions. The staff are also very nice.

  • Hollywood Hannah

    Hollywood Hannah


    I just had a tooth extracted I was so scared the dentist was extremely nice as well as everyone else in the dentist office from when you walk in to when your being treated 10/10 I will be back . I felt no pain at all the dental assistant definitely calmed me down and I appreciated that . Dentist and all his assistants were great I freaked out for nothing thanks again HDR dental !!

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