Haviland Auto Repair w Hyde Park

Stany ZjednoczoneHaviland Auto Repair



🕗 godziny otwarcia

856, Violet Avenue, 12538, Hyde Park, Dutchess County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 845-229-1316
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 41.7708525, Longitude: -73.9089736

komentarze 5

  • Brittany Boalt

    Brittany Boalt


    Great place! Scott went above and beyond to help me out. I went somewhere else and the man there told me I had no choice but to replace all four tires to leave the shop because my car had failed inspection. I called Haviland and Scott told me I qualified for a temporary inspection, and they were probably trying to squeeze a sale out of me. I, of course left the other place and had the work I needed done with Haviland. They won't lie to you to get you off their backs, and they also won't overcharge you. I would send my family here!

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    Alyssa Hanlon


    Excellent service every time. Honest!

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    Honest, reliable, the only place that I take my car to. I never have to worry about getting ripped off!!

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    Melinda Roberts


    I have been using Haviland Auto for 2 years. They expertise and genuine concern for their customers put them above the rest. Some garages will look for the most expensive way to fix your car and bleed you dry but not these guys. They will do what ever they can to HELP YOU save money and keep your car running right. This is a family run business and it shows by the great service they give to other families . I could go on and on about how blessed I am to have found such wonderful and skilled people but I am sure I would take up all the pages allowed for the review. Try Haviland Auto Repair for all your car needs and I guarantee you will not regret it.

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    Therese DeSha


    THE BEST mechanic I have ever been to hands down. In the past many I've been to have attempted to take advantage, however when I went to haviland auto he was 100% straight forward and honest, and he really went above and beyond to save me money, and keep my car safe. In my 12 years driving I have never been to a better mechanic. From here on out I'll never go anywhere else. Thank you Haviland!!

najbliższy Naprawa samochodów

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