Have You Heard? i Bellmore

Forenede StaterHave You Heard?



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2554, Merrick Road, 11710, Bellmore, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 516-409-0283
internet side: www.haveyouheardinc.com
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Latitude: 40.6621794, Longitude: -73.531466

kommentar 4

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    Roger McClean


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    Afelisa Fram


    Are you planning a party celebration? You need to visit "Have you heard?" store in Bellmore. You will find everything there, that will make your celebration unforgettable.

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    Andrea Conlon


    Ginny is amazing. Her staff is so knowledgable about wedding etiquette and her industry. My husband is from Long Island but I am from central New York. She worked with us to find an invitation that matched our colors (navy, white and silver) and ideas. We chose a simple design that could match a few things as we werent really sure what the reception would look like yet. She helped us with invitations, envelopes, accommodation cards, reception cards, rsvp cards; the entire packet was amazing. Everyone who opened it said how beautiful the invitations were. The paper made a huge difference, it was a shimmer navy and a nice weight of paper. They were amazing! Thank you Ginny for your quick responses to my many many emails, your advice, your guidance, your careful eye for finding a few mistakes. I highly recommend Ginny and Have you Heard for anyone looking for invitations, not just Long Island.

  • Christina Begonja

    Christina Begonja


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