Harvest Beat w Seattle

Stany ZjednoczoneHarvest Beat



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1711, N 45th Street, 98103, Seattle, King County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 206-547-1348
strona internetowej: www.harvestbeat.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 47.66128, Longitude: -122.3367769

komentarze 5

  • Addie Kingsland

    Addie Kingsland


    This is... a unique dining experience.The staff are exceptionally friendly and helpful; they adapt seamlessly with how introverted or extroverted you are. Everything really feels like extended family. I love being invited into the kitchen to hear about the "micro-seasonal" menu; there's something very satisfying about knowing where each ingredient of your food comes from. The food is five courses of bliss. Each course is beautiful, flavorful, and oh so creative. The paired beverage choices are great (and also incredibly unique!) and I highly recommend getting them. The staff is fantastic about accommodating dietary restrictions-- not only do they know their stuff, but they will bend over backwards to make sure you have the right meal. This place is one of my favorites for people-watching. Pretty much everyone is a rich hippy (and I mean that affectionately) but the variety within that sub-type is fascinating. The setting and service put everyone at ease, and you see some fantastic interactions going on in other groups. I do wish the food were less expensive. You definitely get what you pay for, (it's -VERY- worth it) I just wish I could eat here all the time! As it stands, I only come for special occasions. If you like hippies, feelings, and fine dining (and you can afford it), I recommend this place 11/10 stars.

  • Cameron Richards

    Cameron Richards


    Great great great! Having been to another plant based restaurant that did an exclusive tasting menu, our expectations were high. Our expectations were also blown out of the water! Such creative and delicious dishes like the canoli with spruce top creme and the risotto with morel mushrooms, a first for us. It's fantastic that the chef is getting all the freshest local produce and changing the menu every 3 weeks. I'll definitely be back the next time I'm in the area!

  • Breck Kane

    Breck Kane


    The food was absolutely delicious, but the entire experience is what made it memorable. After everyone was seated, the chef gave a heartfelt speech about the menu and how much he appreciates the local farmers that made everything possible. The ambiance was perfect as well. It all made for a perfect date night. We’ll definitely go back.

  • en



    Another wonderful meal! It's always an adventure at Harvest Beat. I love hearing about the sources of the food you're about to eat. All the dishes were tasty, some especially so. It's a leisurely stroll through a garden/farm/forest of delicious food! But no, it wasn't a home run. Some dishes were maybe a 3.5 or 4/5. I gave the meal 5 stars to counteract the idiot who gave it 1 star! Well worth the $58 dinner charge. Harvest Beat is a unique experience. Try it!

  • en

    Jennifer Geese


    This place is incredible.... cancel your other plans and make a reservation at Harvest Beat!! We had dinner here this evening for the first time, and were completely blown away by the food and service. It’s a fairly casual atmosphere, which I loved, and the service is not intrusive but appropriately attentive. Portions are large... it’s not a tasting menu, but a true 5 course meal. Vegan or not, you will enjoy this fresh, thoughtful menu. Tip- go for the elixir pairings with dinner. Worth every sip and penny!

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