Харнед Бразерс Со Милл w Commack

Stany ZjednoczoneХарнед Бразерс Со Милл



🕗 godziny otwarcia

61, New Highway, 11725, Commack, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 631-864-5911
strona internetowej: www.harnedbrotherssawmill.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.8278036, Longitude: -73.2805903

komentarze 4

  • Kevin Jolly

    Kevin Jolly


    Just came here for firewood, which didn't seem to be their thing unless you were buying a good amount. It was fine, just did have much in the way of telling you where to go get help or who could help you. I had to drive around the industrial grounds a bit to find what I needed. I'm not sure that was appreciated but there wasn't much else I could do. I needed fire!

  • en

    rich andreoni


    This is a great place with extremely knowledgeable owners. Have an idea what your looking for first, otherwise don't go and waste their time.

  • en

    Jay Bee


    Ive been here twice and dealt with the unwelcoming owner each time, he looks like hes on meds or needs them. Horrible customer service they talk to you like they are being inconvenienced. I gave it a second shot i dont know why, to be disappointed again. I even caught him (the tall bearded miserable one, poor guy inherited this million dollar business on a multi million dollar piece of land his grandparents worked for) laughing at me to another employee because i wasnt sure what I was talking about. Ive gone elsewhere.

  • en

    Cory Copeland


    Best hidden gem on long island for woodworkers! Great selection of reclaimed wood and stuff the saw themselves. Jimmy is the man out there, tons of knowledge and a nice guy who takes time to help with your selection if you need him to. I was looking for a piece 12' x 16" x12/4, they had tons of boards for me to look at that size and much larger. I couldn't recommend this place more!

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