Hannoush Jewelers w Wappingers Falls

Stany ZjednoczoneHannoush Jewelers



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1655, U.S. 9, 12590, Wappingers Falls, Dutchess County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 845-298-8599
strona internetowej: www.hannoushhv.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 41.6018231, Longitude: -73.9125826

komentarze 5

  • en

    Katie Wohlfahrt


    Absolutely love Mike and the team at Hannoush in Wappingers Falls. I go to them for everything! They redesigned my engagement ring to match my wedding band and upgraded my diamond another time. Just bought a beautiful rose gold ring as well. Everything is such high quality and their attention to detail is amazing. Highly recommend!

  • David Wozniak

    David Wozniak


    From the sizing on my Fiancée finger fit and form were spot on! To the wonderful setting that was made for us! To helping pick out the perfect diamond! Thank you for all your help Donna , Mike and Jeff! Would Recommend Hannoush Jewelers to all!

  • Stephanie Camposeo

    Stephanie Camposeo


    Every time I walk in there, I have the most pleasant experience. Each and every staff member is just so kind and helpful. We had Donna & Mike helping us this time. We needed a few links taken out of a watch, Donna did a wonderful job making sure it fit correctly. We also wanted to take a look at engagement rings and both Donna & Mike were so knowledgeable and informative. Such a great experience! I can’t say enough, highly recommend Hannoush in a Wappingers Falls, NY.

  • Christie Verschoor

    Christie Verschoor


    Everyone at Hannoush of Wappingers is the BEST! My husband designed and bought my engagement ring from Hannoush and it's the MOST beautiful piece of jewelry I have ever seen. With the expertise of the staff and creative and kind team- their jewelry and selection is just top notch. We then bought our wedding bands, and subsequent anniversary gifts from Hannoush- it's become tradition for us to go shopping for something special for our anniversary- from necklaces, watches, and more gorgeous rings. I love stopping in just to see what they have in the shop, it's a GORGEOUS space just to spend time and look around. They have a no pressure sales team and will do whatever they can to make you feel welcome and find what you're looking for.

  • en

    Connie Otice


    Danielle was very helpful and knowledgeable. She spent a lot of time with us to make sure we had all of our questions answered. There is a great selection of choices at great prices and you also have the option of custom design! The rest of the staff there are all very personable as well. I will definitely go back and highly recommend them.

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