Hannaford Pharmacy i Wappingers Falls

Forenede StaterHannaford Pharmacy



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1490, U.S. 9, 12590, Wappingers Falls, Dutchess County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 845-297-8352
internet side: www.hannaford.com
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Latitude: 41.5900747, Longitude: -73.9063033

kommentar 5

  • moon shiner

    moon shiner


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    Robert Dohrenwend


    The people at the pharmacy are trying most polite people I have ever met. They go above and beyond every time I am there. Thank you so much Robert

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    Deanna Platt


    This pharmacy is the pits. My husband was standing in line awaiting his turn at the pharmacy desk. When he got there, the clerk said "sorry we close at 2 pm" and walked away. We started keeping track of how often they can't fill monthly prescriptions because they have to wait for a delivery because it happens so often. I've also been shorted pills more than once so that now I count them every time. Add to that the attitude of the personnel that work there and you will come away swearing you'll never use them again. Went back the next day and guess what. I'd have to wait for a delivery since they didn't have my pills. They said they called to tell me but my phone number is wrong in their system. This is the same phone number they have used for the last 10 years to tell me my prescription was ready to be picked up. I asked if could have 1 or 2 pills until they receive their delivery. Woman said "no, we can't do that." When I exploded a bit, an older woman came forward and apologized and gave me 3 pills. This was the first customer service I received from them in 2 days.

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    Johnna Squicciarini


    Love the staff here. Berry helpful, amd caring.

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    Siobhan Maher


    Always helpful and on top of their knowledge. Always willing to help in anyway!

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