Hanna Medical w New York

Stany ZjednoczoneHanna Medical



🕗 godziny otwarcia

820, East Tremont Avenue, 10460, Bronx County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 718-466-4662
strona internetowej: hannamedical.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.8433092, Longitude: -73.8873227

komentarze 5

  • en

    Beth Hamilton


    I love Hanna Medical, Dr. Vic is the best doctor. He takes time with you and explains everything thing to you. All I can say is he's the best.

  • Gracie Beatz

    Gracie Beatz


    I love doctor Hanna but it seems since he moved to the new location ,services have gone down . You call for a appointment if and , when they do pick up they put u on hold immediately , without asking you to hold for at least 6-8 minutes . I don't mind the wait because I know dr Hanna as my doctor for 17 yrs . I hope things change with the services .

  • en

    Natasha Rivera


    This is a good place & he is a good doctor but these people are slow as hell. If you have an appointment at a certain time why can’t they call you at least 15 min after your appointment time. You sit here for a whole 4 hours for them to call you while theres barely no one here and then last literally 5 min with the doctor. I need to get myself a new clinic. Everytime i come here i feel like im doing a shift without getting paid.

  • Belle V

    Belle V


    Dr. Hannah is a sweet man who tries to make his time with his clients a positive experience. The wait is a bit intense but the waiting area is wide and limited. The nurses their are very engaged as well as professional while under pressure. Leave the phlebotomy to the NURSES!

  • en

    Karla X


    these people never answer the phone, never open on time. the doctor strolls in whenever the hell he wants. everyone who works there seems to lack the slightest of consideration for the patients and are incompetent. they’re supposed to open at 9 AM on saturday and it is now 10:35 and the gates are still down. there’s a bunch of people here waiting to be seen. if my life depended on being treated by these people i would have died. avoid coming here, literally the worst clinic in the bronx.

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