Hand & Stone Massage and Facial Spa w Wayne

Stany ZjednoczoneHand & Stone Massage and Facial Spa



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685, Hamburg Turnpike, 07470, Wayne, Passaic County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 973-870-0062
strona internetowej: www.handandstonewayne.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.955368, Longitude: -74.221511

komentarze 5

  • Tom Koty

    Tom Koty


    Clean. No high pressure which is nice. Good for relaxing. I went in for a much needed sports massage and received more of a 70% swedish 30% sports massage. It just didn't hit the sore muscles hard enough.

  • en

    Fly Gemini


    It was great! I recommend Jay! The staff is very nice. Heated bed. Nice music. Wonderful experience

  • maritza Vega

    maritza Vega


    Today was my first visit to this location and i love it, The service was great and my therapist Grace is outstanding very professional i recommended Only a little bit noise in the hallway but besides that everything is awesome.

  • Alyssa Jones

    Alyssa Jones


    Frankly, I'm writing this because I am surprised by the negative reviews I've seen. I've been a member for just over a year now. I love it! I mostly utilize the massage benefits, but have gotten and enjoyed a facial as well. The front reception area is calm and sets you up for a relaxing experience. The receptionists are pleasant and always looking to make the experience better for their clients. The evenings can be busy, but they handle it well and are in happy spirits. I am thankful to have had some amazing massage therapists at this location. Each therapist has their own approach and modalities, giving their clients specialized care. I personally benefit from more of a sports massage, and went through some trial and error in finding the right fit. The receptionists helped to book me with the appropriate therapists to suit my personal needs. The one and only time I did have a less than pleasant experience during a session, they apologized profusely and helped make me feel heard and even comped an add-on for my next service. (Thanks, Vasilia!) I am thankful to have found Hand and Stone in Wayne, and plan on being a member for years to come!

  • Jennifer Milner

    Jennifer Milner


    I went for my first prenatal massage today which was sorely needed. I scheduled a 90-minute massage, which they said they had. They even checked the schedule and changed their original time suggestion to accommodate the 90 minutes. I got the massage (and the pain points I asked to be focused on, weren't) and when she noted she was done, I said, "That was 90 minutes?" She said no one told her I asked for an 80-minute massage. I told her I booked a 90, that's what they said on the phone. She went to check and came back and said, Well they just said to ask you if you wanted to add another 30. At that point I figured there was no point because the "mood" of the massage was over. Very dissatisfied with my experience here.

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