Hand & Stone Massage and Facial Spa i Huntington Station

Forenede StaterHand & Stone Massage and Facial Spa



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315, Walt Whitman Road, 11746, Huntington Station, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 631-319-7622
internet side: www.handandstonemelville.com
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Latitude: 40.8162129, Longitude: -73.4111887

kommentar 5

  • en

    Dora Betancourt


    I had a massage with TIM because I was in scrutinizing pain in my neck but went I out as a new person what a set of HANDS Thanks Dora

  • Kristina Campbell

    Kristina Campbell


    Great facials but the Manager/ Cathrine(and the rest of the staff in the front) is very unprofessional. I tried to cancel my membership and they continued to charge my card 60 days after. It is a shame that I have to waste my time worring about a company charging my card fraudulently and without my permission. Heads up do not start a membership here try bellmore.

  • Erin Gallienne

    Erin Gallienne


    I see Nikki regularly for facials and I have definitely noticed an improvement in my skin. She’s great and very friendly and relaxing.

  • R R

    R R


    What an awful experience! I made an appointment yesterday to celebrate my birthday with massage. When I showed up for my appointment I was told that I could not be found in the system. I gave the name of the person I was scheduled with, Joyce. I still could not be found in the system. I was asked to wait while the staff took phone calls. After the phone calls I was told unfortunately I was not in the system and because I had not spoken to the two specific girls who were working there today there was nothing that they can do. So despite having given my credit card number over the phone to hold my appointment, I do not have an appointment and therefore cannot get the massage and I booked to celebrate my birthday. Is this is the way you run a new business to try to engage new customers shame on you.

  • Vana V

    Vana V


    Everything is new. The staff is fantastic. We have dramatically changed the health of my skin. These aestheticians will have you thinking and treating your skin in a whole new way.

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