Hamza & Madina Halal Food w Commack

Stany ZjednoczoneHamza & Madina Halal Food



🕗 godziny otwarcia

Poniedziałekotwarte 24 godziny
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Czwartekotwarte 24 godziny
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Niedzielaotwarte 24 godziny
100, Crooked Hill Road, 11725, Commack, Suffolk County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 917-402-0691
strona internetowej: hmhalal.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.8056563, Longitude: -73.288713

komentarze 5

  • Fuad Faruque

    Fuad Faruque


    Was once a wonderful place to get a delicious gyro with great service. The folks are still good, and the quality still relatively good, but the prices are just outrageous. No amount of inflation can justify charging $13-$15 for a single gyro over rice. The same gyro was $7 last year. The price of the materials do not match the product and I'm sad to see its become a place to just grab cash.

  • Jemmy cruz

    Jemmy cruz


    Great food! It's inside a gas station...a true hidden gem. Food is fresh. Perfectly perfect. I was skeptical at first but it's so worth it!

  • Aank Sandoval

    Aank Sandoval


    One of my father's favorite take out restaurant, this was my first time eating any kind of Pakistani food and I love it, except for the chili (I don't like it) but my bro and father states they love it, there's a white sauce made of something I don't know but it was delicious while mixing it with the lamb meet.

  • Kaveh Sadigh

    Kaveh Sadigh


    Honestly such a great find... Located in a gas station of all places. I love these hole in the wall mom and pop restaurants. Great if you want to get fresh food as take out. I really like the chicken and rice. Comes with a side salad. Get the white sauce with spicy sauce on top for added flavor. It's so yummy. I'll be back again.

  • Rochile



    This is my 3rd time eating here. It’s a bit of a drive away so I go when I have a real craving. I enjoyed the first and third time more so than the second. I guess the quality could depend on who prepares it that day or how freshly it was prepared. I get the combo of chicken and lamb over rice. It was $7 if you pay cash directly, but if you pay with card you pay at the front register and tax is added. The meats and rice tastes really good and is overall very filling. I like to add white sauce and a little hot sauce. The people who work there are kind and efficient with the orders. I did find a small hair in my meal today, which was unexpected. I took it out and continued eating. Disappointed since this is my go to halal spot but I’ll probably still come back because the food is delicious. I recommend for a quick lunch or gas stop since it is connected to the gas station.

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