Hampton Inn Silver Spring w Silver Spring

Stany ZjednoczoneHampton Inn Silver Spring



🕗 godziny otwarcia

Poniedziałekotwarte 24 godziny
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Środaotwarte 24 godziny
Czwartekotwarte 24 godziny
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Niedzielaotwarte 24 godziny
8728-A, Colesville Road, 20910, Silver Spring, Montgomery County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 301-588-5887
strona internetowej: hamptoninn3.hilton.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 38.998481, Longitude: -77.027222

komentarze 5

  • en

    Tracy F


    We were very pleased with this hotel and plan on returning. The room was clean and comfortable. The breakfast each morning was wonderful. Any items that were running low were quickly replenished. Although we didn't get a chance to use the pool, it looked to be a nice size and the water temperature felt warm. The hotel is close to many restaurants and stores and is only a few blocks from the metro. The staff was absolutely outstanding. Everyone greeted us with a smile and worked hard to make our stay enjoyable. We were provided with great recommendations for restaurants and local attractions.

  • en

    Marcus Flinn


    The absolute best customer service I have ever received at a hotel. No place to park, almost have to valet parking, only down side. Well located to many great places.

  • Joseph Im

    Joseph Im


    Very and always friendly staff and front desk. Would definitely come back when i visit Washington DC and would recommend to my friends! Great location, not far from the metro, plenty places to eat and shop right near the hotel :) Hotel is very clean, breakfast included. They even held our bag after our stay was over because of flight time differences!

  • Daniel Ayres

    Daniel Ayres


    My go to place to stay on my fairly regular trips to Silver Spring. It is clean, friendly, well located and quiet. The rooms do not have refrigerators, but you can request one.

  • Monica Davis

    Monica Davis


    The room was pretty comfortable, but I was upset that my room didn’t come with a refrigerator. I’ve never stayed in a hotel that didn’t have a fridge. When inquired about it, I was advised that they were available by request ; which was totally strange. Needless to say my fridge was delivered and after waiting for the fridge to cool, I realized that it didn’t even work. I asked to have another delivered and it never came. On top of that the Hampton Inn is in need of an upgrade for their air conditioning units to an on the wall system, because the floor unit scared me half to death. My unit made a loud rattling, rumbling noise. One night it woke me out of my sleep. The bed was comfy and I enjoyed the breakfast, but they really need to do something about their air conditioning unit. Luckily I only paid $157 for two nights, because any more days than I would have asked to be moved to another room.

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