Hampton Home Care w Ronkonkoma

Stany ZjednoczoneHampton Home Care



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50, Alexander Court, 11779, Ronkonkoma, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 631-820-8220
strona internetowej: www.hamptonhomecare.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.792328, Longitude: -73.124772

komentarze 4

  • en

    Jim Nigro


    These people suck. Don’t waste your time! Go to another vendor! I have been having issues with my CPAP machine and have called them twice for help and left voicemails explaining that i need help and left my phone number on the voicemail. On the third call i heard them pick the phone up (i heard people talking in the background) then they hung up on me. I can’t wait until they call me back so i can let them know what i think of them! It has been over a week now since my first phone call.

  • en

    Susan Tito


    For starters, this would be a zero star review if this format allowed it. I haven't even received my CPAP from this company yet I already hate them! As soon as I finish this review I am going to call my doctor's office and request a diferent supplier. This is amateur hour at its very worst! Here's my story: I received my initial call from Hampton Healthcare to set up my CPAP about four days ago. The call came to my home while I was at work. The woman on the recording said she needed additional information from me and asked me to call her back. She even left an extension for me. So the very next day, first thing in the morning, I tried to reach her but the call went into voicemail. On my recording to her, I instructed her to please call me at work and left my number. I didn't hear back from her but the very next day, a completely different woman called my house. My husband happened to be home, spoke to that person, and she said they would deliver the machine on Saturday. No time was given for the delivery and my husband wasn't aware of an appointment I had, so I needed to change the appointment. It's not his fault— he was trying to help. He gave me the number and extension of the person he spoke with and for two days now I have been trying to call her and she never answers her phone nor return the calls. What's more, NONE of this company's representatives EVER answer their phone (you always have to leave a message), It's impossible to get a live person. If you hit "0", thinking you'll get an operator or a live person, you hear a message that says "this is not a valid extension." Even when you hit a general number for customer service, you don't get a live person! This is the worst customer service. You get a message that prompts you to leave a message. I'm done — and we didn't even get started! I'm calling my doctor now and demanding another supplier. If a company is this bad this early in the process, a continued relationship with them will be nothing short of frustrating.

  • en

    Dave Unger


    I have been using their supplied CPAP machine for over 2 years now. They happen to be the supplier that my doctor is partnered with. The problems started from the very beginning when they took several weeks longer to supply my orignal order. More recently when reordering supplies on two occasions over the last 6 or 7 months I have asked for a face mask. I still dont have a face mask. This company is the worst all they care about is verifying and sending out additional supplies and continue to bill hundreds of dollars on each order to my insurance company. I will be calling my doctor and asking him to change to a new vendor they suck

  • Forget Paris

    Forget Paris


    Terrible company. I got my CPAP from them and you cannot get a human on the phone for issues. They constantly use robo calls. They supply cheap equipment and expect the customer to pay when it easily breaks. I'm calling my doctor to see about replacing this company. Zero stars.

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