Hamilton Behavioral of Hackensack w Paramus

Stany ZjednoczoneHamilton Behavioral of Hackensack


brak informacji

🕗 godziny otwarcia

300, Forest Avenue, 07652, Paramus, Bergen County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 201-490-5158
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.9363889, Longitude: -74.0508047

komentarze 4

  • en

    Leonora G


    This place is a mad house. Literally. They make you wait hours and have no record of who you are there to see. Only one person runs the reception and she’s loony. Aside from acting erratically, she keeps horrible records or maybe none at all. None of those folders that normal doctor’s offices have. She makes appointments with no care for the patient’s personal time. She has no idea who you are there to see and if you forgot the name - God help you. Twice, I waited hours and was then told that the person I was there to see wasn’t there. It is completely disorganized and after 3 visits of a total of 6 hours of waiting, I’m done. This place caused me more anxiety than anything else in my life. Ironic. This is a place that is supposed to help you with mental health. They have created stress for me where there was none. Run far away from this place. You’ve been warned.

  • Corey Springer

    Corey Springer


    Office Admin Yanna is one of the sweetest, helpful, understanding, and caring staff members I've ever come across in a medical facility. She will go out of her way for any patient, which is such a big part of any medical practice. The entire medical staff is great, I've been seen by many of their doctors and other medical professionals and never have I felt judged, rushed, shut-dow (which seems to be a common theme with other offices this day in age). They've asked relevant important questions and have provided great advice as well as take what you say into complete consideration. They do not turn patients away either, which to me is a true mark of medical accountability. There may be a longer than average wait period, but the office is comfortable and they are not understaffed, the wait is because of the extensive care and large loyal patient base. After you are seen I promise you will forget about any wait. I also had the pleasure of being seen by the medical director Dr. Ahmad, whom displays thorough knowledge, care, patient well-being and provides great explanations of medical interventions and medications. A++ !

  • Spyros Aggelidis

    Spyros Aggelidis


  • en



    I understand the last review it could be better organized but the woman in the office is one person dealing with so many people taking teir frustration out on her, the wait in the waiting room sucks but the care is awesome I have Dr luba she is great and does really care slow getting back to you but she does care

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