Hair by Miriam i Williston Park

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595, Willis Avenue, 11596, Williston Park, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 516-805-1719
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Latitude: 40.761042, Longitude: -73.646402

kommentar 1

  • Liora Hirschberger

    Liora Hirschberger


    I am so happy that I had Miriam doing my wedding hair and makeup. She made me look so beautiful, while still looking like myself. She also did my sister and my best friend's hair and makeup. We all looked AMAZING! Our trial session was fun, we googled lots of images of possible styles and she gave me her advice on which hair style would suit me. On the day I was really pleased with how it all came together - she nailed it straight away the hairstyle and the make up. Miriam was a joy to have there on my wedding day while I was getting ready. She was super calm and amazingly professional. I felt like I was in such safe hands. Plus my hair and makeup held up perfectly throughout the night without any touch-ups, despite the high humidity and hopping dance floor and looked great in every single photo. I highly recommend her, you won't be disappointed. she's the best!!!

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