Hackensack Meridian Health Joseph M. Sanzari Children's Hospital w Hackensack

Stany ZjednoczoneHackensack Meridian Health Joseph M. Sanzari Children's Hospital



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30, Prospect Avenue, 07601, Hackensack, Bergen County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 551-996-2000
strona internetowej: kids.hackensackumc.org
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.8844357, Longitude: -74.0554215

komentarze 5

  • en

    Stan Levin


    Until recently, the pediatric emergency room was very good. A couple weeks ago our 2.5 year old son was taken there with a fever. In the triage a nurse by the name Joan Everson began her vitals check with a bad attitude. Our son had not slept well and was sleeping until a few seconds before we needed to place him on a scale - as indtructed by her. As he tried to maintain balance, she told us not to help him. Allegedly, she wanted to check how a two year old walks in pain after a sleepless night. As he began crying in isolation, she attempted to measure his height and hit his head ‘accidentally’ - adding to irritation. As we entered a room to check pulse and temperature, the nurse felt the need to address another child’s cry in the waiting area. She couldn’t understand why a child is crying so long and suggested the father find a solution. Naturally the father was shocked by her attitude. At that point I suspected convinced that this individual, who is supposed to care for ill children of all ages, is probably there due to a staffing error or some force majeure. The nurse then checked our son’s pulse. Next, she wanted to check the temperature and insisted on a rectal, even though no one ever insisted on this method ever before. What happened next probably defined her as a human being. The nurse then told my wife to hold our son and forced my wife’s hands around him so that he doesn’t move. At which point he was already hysterically crying. The nurse then forced the thermometer into him and he screamed in pain. I could not believe my eyes, as my wife’s eyes became teary. It took us about 15 minutes to calm our son down after we left that room. Later on, when the doctor attempted to diagnose the problem, our son would not allow anyone but us near him. This was a serious, dramatic experience for him and he will certainly remember this treatment for a long time. People like Joan Everson should not be working as nurses or treating children.

  • en

    omer s


    Don't go to ER waiting time is unbelievable. You would die waiting.

  • en

    Rb Ben


    Sitting here in the ER watching these 2 useless girls working behind the counter....not very helpful...could care less...it's a damn shame....this hospital sucks in and out...all a business.....no patient care....I can't understand like hundreds of other people can't either see how this is rated #1 .....vomit on the floor and just left there...disgusting

  • Sergio Gonzalez

    Sergio Gonzalez


    Terrible experience, unfortunately. We had a great nurse and ER doc but in the middle of stitching my 3 year old girl's laceration we were disrupted by a random nurse who accused of video taping the procedure. The timing was terrible, the accusation was wrong (we were showing my daughter a cartoon to distract) and her behavior was way over the top. This not only affected patient care in a serious way; this was a flat out attack. We spoke with the charge nurse and patient advocates but we got the sense that they didn't see in how this is highly disruptive. This was a three year old girl who was calm and allowed us to suture without restraint; the last thing we needed was an emotionally irrational individual disrupting a procedure. I am shocked that she was not walked out of the door for this behavior. I wish there were other avenues to address this but this will probably end up dying as a 1 star review instead of behavior correction of a rogue employee.

  • Kathleen Pereira

    Kathleen Pereira


    GREAT HOSPITAL WITH GREAT STAFF! My daughter was transferred here due to an accident she had and from the moment we got there she was treated great. The nurses were awesome, they were very attentive to her overall needs. They also have a children's program that have young ladies who are very motivating, sweet and helpful. They filled my daughter with many gifts and provided a play room for her to play with many toys they had there. Our doctor was also great. Surgery was a 100% success.

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