Gyros And Kabobs w Denver

Stany ZjednoczoneGyros And Kabobs



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2020, South Parker Road, 80231, Denver, Arapahoe County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 303-755-1500
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 39.6795442, Longitude: -104.8760727

komentarze 5

  • Mehdi Schultz

    Mehdi Schultz


    The food and services is fantastic, I have been coming since, the first day they opened! Halal great food and now even more seating area! Since, they exspanded. 5 stars! :) Masha'Allah!

  • Alan Loo

    Alan Loo


    Had the lamb kabobs. Very tasty, fast and friendly service. Cooked to order. They even have samosas, fried chicken, burgers and gyros. A great place for Mediterranean food. Went back for the fried chicken and french fries. Awesome tasting chicken and french fries. a hidden jewel in Denver. Went for gyro plate. Delicious and a great value for the money. Have had the pastrami sandwich very large and delicious. Had the Philly cheese steak sandwich also very large and delicious. Had the cheeseburger juicy and delicious. Great fries too. Great tasting chicken wings! BBQ and Teriyaki. Freshly made.

  • Wesley Zufelt

    Wesley Zufelt


    This place is HANDS DOWN the best place to get a Gyro! I’ve tried a bunch of places and I love coming here the most. I have it delivered as well. The staff is super friendly, the store is always clean and inviting. The food is phenomenal!

  • Hassaan Faridi

    Hassaan Faridi


    I love this place. Cheese burger and fried chicken. How can you go wrong? The place has been expanded and now has seating area much larger than before. It's a clean place and orders are filled promptly. It's like a fast food place where you order at the counter. They will bring your food to the table. Food is always fresh so the taste is always good.

  • Rafs GF

    Rafs GF


    The restaurant use to be so small but they have expanded! So much more seating and space which is really nice. More employees so service is a bit faster. The food is wonderful, we love it all! Have been here several times and always loved the burgers, gyros and chicken. Only thing is they do take a long time to fill orders. The green chutney they give is soooo spicy that you get heartburn after but it's delicious. Wish they would tone it down a bit. Otherwise, place is great for families, lots of parking!

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