Guitar Center i Selden

Forenede StaterGuitar Center



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201, Independence Plaza, 11784, Selden, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 631-732-1891
internet side:
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Latitude: 40.8640539, Longitude: -73.0510999

kommentar 5

  • en

    Rick Morales


    Awesome food. Gotta get the guacamole. Great drink and atmosphere!

  • Sean Austin

    Sean Austin


    Overall a good place to pick stuff up. Store is a little on the small side so the sellection isn't as big as the Commack store but it is nice and convenient to have a good music store closer than Commack. Staff is very knowledgeable and friendly and not pushing you to buy things you do t need.

  • Joseph Di Chiara

    Joseph Di Chiara


    Store was set up nicely. The salesmen were friendly. I sold some old gear to pick up a new turntable and was happy with the price I got for them. THE BAD: the turntable they sold me had already been open. All of the parts were there but the packaging was all messed up and things that shouldn't have been assembled, were assembled. It's not the end of the world but don't sell me something that is used and charge me as though it is new. I would give them another shot though.

  • Riley Kaminski

    Riley Kaminski


    Stood at the counter for a good ten minutes before walking out. We were ignored and instead of anyone attempting to ring up our purchase, employees were walking around, noodling on guitars or conversing with one another. There were more employees than customers in the store and there was no reason for no one to be behind the register. After speaking up and still receiving no assistance, we left. We bought what we needed off of Amazon instead. Get your act together and stop losing business by ignoring customers.

  • Stephen Sussman-Fort

    Stephen Sussman-Fort


    Guitar Center's website is deceiving: you think that the stock is for a particular store, but in fact it is for all the stores combined, and even then I was told certain supposedly "in-stock" items had to ordered. The selection of quality acoustic guitars is limited; there was only one 12-string guitar and only a few higher-end 6-strings. I tried several instruments (Taylor, Martin and Ovation) and none of them was set up properly. I know that the action can be set optimally by a luthier later on, but the in-store guitars were so far off that it was a disservice to the manufacturers and prevented me, at least, from being able to truly evaluate the guitars. It also seemed to me that the staff possessed only the most rudimentary knowledge of acoustic instruments: for example, they had to look up what a resonator guitar was. I came away from my visit rather disappointed. I have to add, that on a subsequent visit, there was a completely different sales crew on board: these young men did seem to possess a good knowledge of guitars. However, I still stand by my comments about the lack of proper setup of the available instruments, and the limited number of really good acoustic guitars.

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