Guild Cinema w Albuquerque

Stany ZjednoczoneGuild Cinema


brak informacji

🕗 godziny otwarcia

3405, Central Avenue Northeast, 87106, Albuquerque, Bernalillo County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 505-255-1848
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 35.0802201, Longitude: -106.6066802

komentarze 5

  • Noelle G

    Noelle G


    Small cinema with wonderful showings. They have the best popcorn in town. Staff is friendly and helpful.

  • en



    This a nice, locally owned one room theatre. They show films you can't find anywhere else like documentaries and such. The theatre itself was a little dirty with popcorn on the floor but other than that it was a nice experience. Students get a discount, a ticket won't cost more than 8 dollars I think.

  • en

    Carol Orona


    So nice to be able to see movies that don't seem to get to the big theaters. Fabulous movie selections and special screening events. The foreign films are great!

  • Michael Jones

    Michael Jones


    Wonderful film festivals from independent and small film makers. Hump!, Horror, cult classics and more. Definitely one of the better cultural touch stones of Albuquerque.

  • en

    Julie Mollica


    I've never gone to a theater like this before the Guild, but I love it so much. Some of the films are a bit out of league, but I love the experience. Great popcorn and cool people. You should definitely check it out, if you haven't already! Certainly one of the more unique places in Albuquerque.

najbliższy kino

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