Growl Juice Pub w Orange

Stany ZjednoczoneGrowl Juice Pub



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152-A, North Glassell Street, 92866, Orange, Orange County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 714-538-5338
strona internetowej:
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Latitude: 33.789147, Longitude: -117.853289

komentarze 5

  • David May

    David May


    Great food, but if it is anywhere from average to crowded, you are in for a long wait (if getting bowl) and be prepared for disorganisation. Was told it would be a 20 minute wait. Waited 40 minutes and when I asked for the status, they couldn't find my order. Just got a refund. This has been somewhat typical for me, and for others that I have spoken with - at least the unreasonably long waits. They need to figure out how to handle the lunch rush before I will go back. Meanwhile, I will be going to Mead's Green Door Cafe. Cheaper. Faster. More organized.

  • leigh kneeshaw

    leigh kneeshaw


    They are SO slow to prepare what you've ordered but love their juices

  • Austin Pike

    Austin Pike


    For juice fans, the menu here is great. For those indifferent, expect loud music, extremely slow service, and high prices.

  • Grace Porter

    Grace Porter


    I have been to Growl a few times before, but had to comment after our visit yesterday. I like their juices, I got the Blood Panther (beet juice mix), would have been 4 stars (5 stars if they adjusted their pricing- $9 for a 16oz bottle, I think $7 is a fair price compared to other juice places). But the reason for the two star is the service! First of all, enter the store and the music playing is hard-core rap with a ton of expletives in the music. This is on a Sunday afternoon and there are families with young children in line in front of us. Then, only one girl is working trying to get orders made while the guy is on the phone taking orders. Just left feeling like they didn't appreciate the customers business.

  • en

    Billy Sanders


    Okay so I absolutely love Growl!!!! In the past I wrote a review (not a great one) because of a certain staff member who (I think) used to work here, anyways since my review I have came back and had AMAZING service with each person who works here. Everyone is nice and happy to help you choose from there menu! And of course Always a yummy "Buzz" bowl in hand (by the way you have to get the large because the small just isn't enough of this greatness). Thank you for changing things up, because I will always be back for more

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