Grey & Grey LLP in Farmingdale

Vereinigte StaatenGrey & Grey LLP


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360, Main Street, 11735, Farmingdale, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakte telefon: +1 631-249-1342
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 40.730956, Longitude: -73.44563

kommentare 5

  • en

    Jorge Emestica



  • Anthony Buonaspina

    Anthony Buonaspina


    Love the company. Very professional and courteous. Would highly recommend them.

  • Shari B

    Shari B


    Always did right by my family when my husband got hurt on the job. :) get my Christmas cards every year too!!

  • patrick kegel

    patrick kegel


    Hi Folks I'm glad you took the time to check out the reviews. I always check them myself. I first hired grey n grey when I was injured myself in 1995, they have been my counsel ever since. The family owned firm always had my best interest. Number 1 thank you Mr grey

  • en

    Marvin Gaye


    My experience with grey and grey was absolutely horrible. I used them for a workers compensation case, and the firm did NOTHING to get me compensated. I had to call and hassle the NY compensation board myself just to get a hearing that took nearly a YEAR. Forget about calling and getting any kind of information regarding your case either. The secretary must believe she is a lawyer when in reality she posses the knowledge of a G.E.D student with flailing grades. She is rude and of no help, and you will never actually talk to a lawyer unless you go there yourself and schedule a meeting that last all of 5 minutes. You will NOT hear from the lawyer again. I wish I took my business to a smaller firm where I would be treated with respect and like a paying customer.

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