Грэйт Уэстерн Инн w Fort Worth

Stany ZjednoczoneГрэйт Уэстерн Инн


brak informacji

🕗 godziny otwarcia

1815, East Lancaster Avenue, 76103, Fort Worth, Tarrant County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 817-877-3500
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 32.7466553, Longitude: -97.3020248

komentarze 5

  • Kimberly Stinnett

    Kimberly Stinnett


    It's nasty and full of Bedbug's and their room's are nasty

  • Qiana Vance

    Qiana Vance


    It's an ok spot. It's also in the hood. Yoy get what you paid for.

  • en

    Tammy Muttet


    I lived there for a year . And management was very kind n helpful .Best on Lancaster for sure .

  • Alan Hodge

    Alan Hodge


    My soon to be my wife and I stay in one on March 16 & 17, 2018 we love it a lot because we can spend time together.

  • Raven MacLean

    Raven MacLean


    Me, a friend, and my 7 month old baby girl stayed here for 2 horrible nights. On the first night there was trouble with the television, and when we asked for help, the employees were rude and yelled at us. We were told we could have up to 3 people in the room, which we complied with, then on the 2nd night one of them came knocking on our door, yelling at us that we had to leave because now there were only 2 people allowed in a room with 2 beds yet we had already paid for our stay here. They are rude and will change the rules on you on a whim. Highly unprofessional people. Not to mention the bathtub was clogged with some kind of ribbon or something and the bathroom ceiling vent was hanging out and looked like it could fall on your head at any second, and when i went to climb into my bed, there was a a toilet paper holder under the sheets. Do they not even check the beds before they make them? This place is the worst motel i have ever stayed at, with the worst group of people working there i have ever seen. Horrible, shifty, underhanded employees that are literally out take your money and find any reason they can to kick you out. Never stay here unless you like being treated like you are worthless.

najbliższy Kwatera

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