Gregorys Coffee w New York

Stany ZjednoczoneGregorys Coffee



🕗 godziny otwarcia

630, 9th Avenue, 10036, New York, New York County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 646-861-0446
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.7599158, Longitude: -73.9911491

komentarze 5

  • Nick Teñgri

    Nick Teñgri


    Not impressed... I only had the coffee but after reading an article about how great it is I decided to try it now that they have one by my apartment as I pass it everyday... I will stick to Empire coffee... Still the best in the neighborhood... Id say this coffee is one short step above dunkin donuts in taste... Well to me anyway... It wasnt horrible but nothing special for Starbuck prices... I only drink Dunkin if i have no other option but I definitely will not be returning here for coffee...

  • Mairoby Almanzar

    Mairoby Almanzar


    Great costumer service. The barista’s really devote themselves to the regular

  • en

    L G


    This review has been edited as of 01/23/18. About 3 months ago I had visited this Greg's and had a very unfavorable view of the place because of the service I was presented with. In the months following, there have been rapid improvements to the quality of service. The manager seems to have changed, and the place has become a common spot for me to work out of. Greg's continues to show that they care about the quality of their shops, so I'm upping my rating of the place!

  • es

    Sergio Klein


    Excelente cafe y bocadillos naturales y libres de gluten. Ambiente y atención mejor que el de su competidor Starbucks.

  • Johan Esbjörnsson

    Johan Esbjörnsson


    Love the layout and the coffee of this coffee shop. Unfortunately they have a manager that never smiles but instead role her eyes to people. They are in the service business and should know better.

najbliższy Kawiarnia

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