Gregory R. LaMarca in Massapequa

Vereinigte StaatenGregory R. LaMarca


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5440, Merrick Road, 11758, Massapequa, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakte telefon: +1 516-797-8686
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Latitude: 40.6681508, Longitude: -73.4361845

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    J. Nap


    Greg LaMarca had offered to represent me in my divorce at no charge several times &, although I found this too good to be true, I did have a very easy to divorce to do - non contested and my ex & I had no kids or assets together or anything we wanted from each other. Plus, we had done other business together & already had a relationship. After Greg offered numerous times over several months, I finally took him up on his offer; however, my gut feeling, unfortunately, was correct. He apparently had ulterior motives because when I didn't take him up on his offers to get together outside of his office, (or answer the text message that he sent me that he was thinking about me all night), he then told me he needed a retainer. …Really?? After months of offering to do the paperwork for me for free? Mind you, I had to do the leg work myself & go down to the courts and file the papers, get the index #, etc.. He put the paperwork together & was supposed to just advise me from then on. ….I was so turned off by how he operated that I would NEVER refer him. It should be known that he is still living with his ex wife and almost twice my age! ….Ladies, be careful.

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