Green Homes Long Island w Farmingdale

Stany ZjednoczoneGreen Homes Long Island



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75, Verdi Street, 11735, Farmingdale, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 631-420-4424
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.7214949, Longitude: -73.3999223

komentarze 5

  • Susan Lange

    Susan Lange


    Recently converted my heating system from oil to gas. Nothing is ever easy with my old home that was built on a slab. Master Mechanical put my mind at ease and did the job beautifully. From start to finish it was a pleasure working with this very professional company. I highly recommend them.

  • en

    Yevgeniy Ivankovskiy


    On 08/25/17 MASTER MECHANICAL came for a service call to repair LG Ductless AC Unit. Unit kept tripping the circuit breaker and would not properly work. Repair man Robert said that the units control board and motor need to be replaced. Did not specify why the problem occurred, just stated it needed to be replaced. I agreed to the labor and paid $1162 for repair. The unit worked for approximately 2 hours after repair and then stopped working. I called MASTER MECHANICAL back and they told me that unit is still under their 90 day repair warranty. When the technician showed up he said that he had to call LG to diagnose why the same issue occurred and there would be a charge of $189. I refused to pay since it was still "under warranty". I have been calling Master Mechanical asking that they honor their repair warranty, but they would not return my calls and would not let me speak to a supervisor. Every time I call, Jeanine would answer the phone and would be very rude and nasty. She would tell me that she just came back from lunch and cant talk to me at the moment or she was in the middle of something with another client. She would not return my calls or connect me to a supv. I called numerous times and every time they would refuse to talk to me or refuse to resolve the issue. They don't want to fix the unit under their promised warranty or refund my money.

  • Evan gluck

    Evan gluck


    Although we interviewed about 4 to 5 plumbers total, as soon as I had Jamie come to the house I knew I had found the right company. He talked about the project like he was really trying to find the right balance between doing it right but also doing it to fit our budget. Master Mechanical handled all the permit issues from start to finish, while other companies told me I had to do this myself. The office staff, especially Rosemary, always e-mailed or called me back very quickly when I had a question. And then when the work finally started, the guys that came to do the job were professional, courteous, and did an excellent job making everything neat and clean. They even did a couple of side things for me and it was great as well. I plan on using Master Mechnical for all my future heating/plumbing needs. I will also be using them to insulate my home as well. I highly recommend this company to anyone considering having heating/plumbing work done in his/her home. Update 10/2017: Had Master Mechnical/Green Homes come back and insulate my attic and rim joist using closed cell spray foam. Was a little nervous about this type of insulation since I had read on line if it is not done right it can cause a bad chemical reaction and make a big mess. But after the great job they did on the gas conversion I felt I could trust this company. And of course it went off without a hitch. The guys who did the job were very nice and tried to be as neat and clean as possible. They even helped us move some furniture into the house the happened to get delivered one of the days they were working.

  • en

    Erik Bravin


    Master Mechanical was a pleasure to work with. From day one from the estimate and proposal phase to the install and inspection. They are professional and care about what they are doing. They communicated everything along every step of the way and made sure we understood what was what during our oil to gas conversion. I will definitely be using Master again and highly recommend this company to anyone needing an HVAC company they can trust. I guess that's how you stay in business for over 20 years.

  • Glendon Gordon

    Glendon Gordon


    Fast service. My central air was installed right and on time. Great company.

najbliższy Hydraulik

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