Green Home Solutions en Inwood

Estados UnidosGreen Home Solutions



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600, Bayview Avenue, 11096, Inwood, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 516-206-1600
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.6140513, Longitude: -73.7605818

comentarios 4

  • Ohavia Feldman

    Ohavia Feldman


    Absolute best mold company around. Nobody likes mold. The people do like to be taken care of. Sam Allman runs this place and he runs a tight ship. Courteous professional knowledgeable. Honest to a fault maybe. One of the few companies I know of that probably has most of the referrals come from people who did not have mold. When you go to someone's home and you tell them honestly that they don't need your service they will use you for life and they will refer you for life as well. Better to be safe than sorry estimates are free and they're awesome people to deal with.

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    Ken McCormack


    I would highly recommend Green home Solutions. Working with Sam made a stressful situation (on my part) extremely easy! I needed to have mold removed in my basement and he was great to work with, from start to finish! He is extremely professional and knowledgeable; always letting me know what was going on, the status of the project and worked within my crazy schedule seamlessly. I cannot thank him enough for everything! If you need a quality company and person, Sam is the guy!!

  • Tricia rosepetals

    Tricia rosepetals


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    Jacob W.


    Amazing customer service, great price!

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