Great Mex w Costa Mesa

Stany ZjednoczoneGreat Mex



🕗 godziny otwarcia

2360, Newport Boulevard, 92627, Costa Mesa, Orange County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 949-645-1884
strona internetowej:
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Latitude: 33.6563345, Longitude: -117.9032825

komentarze 5

  • Emily Bushlack

    Emily Bushlack


    Great Mex had the California burritos I was looking for with my fiancé! The service was amazing, fast, and the menu looked very expensive. I want to go back soon!

  • Mr.E



    This is some of the most mediocre Mexican food that I've had in the area. It's been several years since the last time I visited, at which point I thought it was pretty good. So I brought someone about 45 minutes before they close so that we could both eat dinner. Here. The food was pretty gross and I can't see a reason why I would return. I had the California burrito. Not sure how that goes so poorly and a flautas. The flautas were poor quality and extremely dry and flavorless. I couldn't finish it it was so bad and it wasn't that cheap. My friend also had a dish they weren't impressed with and we left there feeling disappointed. We got the sense. They weren't pleased that we were there so close to their closing. Although we left after only about 20 minutes so there was still roughly a half hour before they were even supposed to close. So maybe that was the reason for the poor food. Maybe they were taking their frustration out on our meal? I don't know either way. Can't see a reason to go back.

  • Bogdan Varna

    Bogdan Varna


    I got torta. Very soft and nice. A place looked clean and workers were friendly.

  • Omar Castro

    Omar Castro


    Hands down best Bacon, Potatoes, and cheese breakfast burrito. They have great sauces, hot & mild are 👌. Great customer service and clean!

  • Jay Moon

    Jay Moon


    Awesome Mexican food and very friendly staff. Love all of the salsa and sauces that they have available. I usually get 3 Mexican tacos and I’ll get free tortilla chips.

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