Great Clips w Hurst

Stany ZjednoczoneGreat Clips



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1320, Precinct Line Road, 76053, Hurst, Tarrant County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 817-282-5002
strona internetowej:
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Latitude: 32.8359715, Longitude: -97.1857528

komentarze 5

  • Mike Robb

    Mike Robb


    Use their online queue. You can show up with in a minute of getting your hair cut. Hardly ever do I wait. They put your name and cut style in their system. Any location can easily access this and the stylist gets a printout with you notes each time. Visited this place for years. Some stylists stay and some go quickly. Almost always get the perfect hair cut each time.

  • en

    BJ O'Donnell


    Ask for Meghan best haircut ever. She is worth waiting for.

  • Priyank Patel

    Priyank Patel


    Great clips is amazing. Nice hair stylists, if you are visiting on Saturday then try getting haircut from Briana or Megan. My personal experience with both stylists was great. There are other good stylists but for me these two were amazing.

  • Rhonda Sanders

    Rhonda Sanders


    I took my grandson here and his haircut was really nice. You can make an appointment online ahead of time to save time on arrival. My only complaint was the curtness and a little bit on friendliness of the staff.

  • en

    Dan P


    DO NOT COME HERE. My friend and I decided we needed a haircut today and thought to come here since we were in the area. When we first walked in we were automatically profiled as young teenage girls, which is whatever. I got a lady with curly short ginger hair, My hair was almost all the way down to my butt and I asked her to please cut off the least she possibly could, to thin my hair, and to please not cut it all the way across. She insists the whole time on how dead my hair is and blah blah, she shows me the amount she is going to cut off and it looks about one inch so I say that’s fine. When my hair cut is over she had cut off damn near 7 inches! My haircut lasted all of 5 minutes and is butchered! I didn’t notice until I got home but There’s so many different lengths to my hair right now, she didn’t even thin it. I was super respectful to the lady and even tipped her well because I had no idea of what she had actually done! They did the exact same to my friend! Do not come here!!!!

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