Great Clips en Crowley

Estados UnidosGreat Clips



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1201 E FM 1187, Ste 17, Crowley, TX 76036, США
contactos teléfono: +1 817-297-4417
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 32.5748653, Longitude: -97.3393227

comentarios 5

  • Destiny Pack

    Destiny Pack


    Did a great job with the haircut, but some of them don't come off as the friendliest of people. Not that they're rude just a bit standoffish.

  • Jill Hoppy

    Jill Hoppy


    I like this one, convenient, almost everyone there now can cut hair... That's what you expect anywhere but come on, we all know when you're trying to find budget haircuts for boys whose hair grows much faster than yours (as a mother) then that is hard to find! So. I like this place and I've been to many in the area. It'll remain our top shop! 😂

  • Ryan Young

    Ryan Young


    I like the fact that keep your recent hair cuts on file. The online check-in feature is a nice plus as well.

  • Bee Gehres

    Bee Gehres


    Im giving the stylist the one star. Wish it,could be less. Brought my daughter in for her first time to get her hair cut in eight years. Had beautiful long hair to the top of her hips. She had been begging me to get a hair cut so she could have bangs! So I gave in and took her. Showed the stylist Verna the picture my daughter had chose for her new style. Her reply was that is a lot of layers. So I told Verna that she didn't have to do all the layers just a few and the bangs. Only cut four inches off the back. As im watching her cut the first cut, it was painful. Then she started hacking into her hair. More and more kept getting cut off. She kept going over all her hair and kept cutting and cutting.when she was done asked me to look at it and it was uneven. So she went back and cut more off. Now there is no layers what so ever and her hair is to her bra strap!! I just don't think people understand how much four inches is these days.

  • en



    Liz did an amazing job on my hair. I am so very pleased. I will definitely be coming back😊

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