Grassroots Natural Market w Jacksonville

Stany ZjednoczoneGrassroots Natural Market



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2007, Park Street, 32204, Jacksonville, Duval County, US USA
kontakt telefon: +1 904-384-4474
strona internetowej:
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Latitude: 30.3139312, Longitude: -81.6817673

komentarze 5

  • en



    I love their smoothies! Space inside the store is tight, but it gives you an intimate environment. If you are looking for organic and plant-based food, then Grass Roots is the place for you. You are welcome. Don't forget to try a smoothie.

  • Matthew Garcia

    Matthew Garcia


    I was pumped when I stumbled across this place. It’s silly of me, but I wasn’t sure the South had stores like this. Now I know better. Great food and drink for the health-conscious and plenty of naturopathic products for those so inclined. But I’m going back and making it a staple for one reason...the craft beer selection! Best selection I’ve seen thus far in Florida. All the best in the state are represented. Worth a stop in for many reasons, but I have mine. Cheers!

  • en



    Best juice and smoothie bar in all of Jacksonville and surrounding areas, bar none! Although they are small, they always have what I'm looking for or can order it for me. Very easy to run in and out quickly. Locally owned buy two brothers who are a very educated about their products.

  • Latosha Marion

    Latosha Marion


    This was my first time going. I will definitely be back and would recommend others to go as well. This store has every natural thing you could imagine. I absolutely loved it. I was like a kid in a candy store. Good prices too.

  • en

    Eric Takeyama


    All organic, fresh and packaged foods. Very clean store, staff is very friendly and helpful... Knowledge about products can be a bit hit and miss depending. True most places as always it's better to do your own research. While a smaller store they do carry a very wide expression of organic. Some deals are very good but like anything organic expect to pay more

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