Grasmere Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation w New York

Stany ZjednoczoneGrasmere Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation



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684, West Fingerboard Road, 10305, Richmond County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 718-442-1003
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.600914, Longitude: -74.076795

komentarze 5

  • en

    Yana Olefirenko


    Best physical therapy I have EVER been to. Great individual attention towards patients. Dr. Igor is a healing genius!

  • en

    Greg Ko


    The place is clean and nice. Convenient hours and location. Easy to schedule or reschedule the appointment. Staff very nice, friendly and helpful. Dr Igor is very professional and kind person. He treats me for a bad sciatica problem. I've noticed a lot of improvement after few visits. He cares about their patients. The other therapists are also very professional and they do their jobs very well. During my each visit I receive full over 1 h treatment. Dr Igor explained me my condition and full treatment plan. Very recommend.

  • en

    carl alquisola


    This place is great. Dr Igor really helped me with my shoulder and shin problems. Staff are helpful and friendly too.

  • en

    ross o


    Great eperience once again. Doctor is great and his staff is outstanding. I highly recommend this place for all your physical therapy needs.

  • en

    Danielle Isaacs


    I have to say I was really disappointed to find out that I wouldn't be able to use this office despite it's great reviews 😔. When they say they take ALL insurances, they don't really mean it- I have Emblem health, formally GHI, and was told by whomever answered the phone that GHI didn't reimburse enough money and even with my copay I/patients have to pay the difference- between $50- $60 a visit! Multiply that by 3 times a week, for a teacher- never going to happen😩. Although, the lady I spoke to was nice and friendly, it doesn't say much about the establishment about patient care- why claim to be in network and charge a difference? I guess only 5 years experience does reflect somewhere, no wonder my surgeon didn't recommend this place. The search continues for good PT!

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