Granite Springs Garage i Granite Springs

Forenede StaterGranite Springs Garage



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Granite Springs Road, 10527, Granite Springs, Westchester County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 914-248-5023
internet side:
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Latitude: 41.3135732, Longitude: -73.7479323

kommentar 5

  • Peter Harman

    Peter Harman


    Their motto should be: "Don't worry, we got it". Truly a wonderful place with exceptionally honest staff. The relationships they have formed with local businesses; tow trucks, car service, auto parts... You benefit with a seamless experience. They will even admit they can't help and arrange a tow to your second choice.

  • Adam Davidson

    Adam Davidson


    Always great service here, reasonable prices, and very honest. Focused on earning your long-term business vs. making a quick buck. They won't do work you don't need, and they do a great job on the work you do!

  • en

    Daniel Assumma


    Honest and dependable. A garage that has integrity.

  • en

    Susan C


    This is the best garage. Nothing fancy, but they do great work are totally honest and have fair prices.

  • Robert Redis

    Robert Redis


    Frank is great and really wonderful to deal with

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