Granite Kitchen & Bath w Clifton

Stany ZjednoczoneGranite Kitchen & Bath



🕗 godziny otwarcia

93, Entin Road, 07014, Clifton, Passaic County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 973-778-8777
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.8328882, Longitude: -74.1252889

komentarze 5

  • en

    Dorian Stenka


    I have been doing business with Granite Kitchen and Bath for almost ten years, and have always had great service from start to finish. In my case the projects have included some very difficult and technical installations. All were done on time and perfectly. The work was all in my home, so I continue to enjoy the results everyday. I recommend Granite Kitchen and Bath very strongly.

  • en

    Brayan Valdez


    Granite Kitchen and Bath is the best company that I have ever dealt with. First they showed my husband and I the stones that they had in stock and then gave us other stone yards to look at. They were reasonable priced & the job was completed ahead of schedule. It looks fantastic. The installers were on a mission. Fast, Friendly & no flaws in their work.

  • en

    bobby muslemani


    I had the best experience. The quality of the service was incredible. Very kind and hardworking installers. The granite came on time and the installation was very professional. I want to mention a women who was a great help to me. Kornelia gave me the best price around! I would definitely go back and do business with them again. Strongly recommend.

  • Valerie Jones

    Valerie Jones


    I have nothing but praise for the nice people running this business.All of the GKB team are an absolute pleasure to be around and talk to. My husband and I wanted to remodel a bathroom. We wanted something nicer than Home Depot, but didn't want to break the bank. We believe we got the best of both worlds...The sales girls listened to what my husband & I was looking for and made suggestions that were right on every step of the way. High quality products that were much nicer than other granite companies. We were so happy with the first bathroom we decided to do both. We would definitely recommend them to friends and will be going back when we are ready to do our Kitchen.

  • en

    Jaime Gibson


    I love love love my counter tops. Shopping around they were by far the best choice. The sales team took pictures for me of the new stock since I couldn’t make it up to view the new stone. I love the look and the price. The countertops came out great! I would definitely recommend using them.

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