Graceland Florist w Mount Vernon

Stany ZjednoczoneGraceland Florist



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527, Gramatan Avenue, 10552, Mount Vernon, Westchester County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 914-664-3111
strona internetowej:
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Latitude: 40.9251289, Longitude: -73.8358003

komentarze 5

  • Diana Holloway

    Diana Holloway


    I don't live in NY anymore but my Parents are buried there. For Memorial Day I sent this florist an order to design a large grave spray to be delivered to their grave. I asked for a picture of the flowers at the grave - this didn't happen. Then I asked my family in NY if they had gone to the grave - which they had and NO FLOWERS!!!! They lied when I asked what happened to the flowers - told me they were left at the office at the cemetery. I called the cemetery and they don't accept the flowers - so this flowershop LIED, took my MONEY, and total dishonored my WWII Father. There wasn't an option for 0 Stars - but that's what they deserve. CHOOSE ANOTHER FLORIST!

  • Megan Szymanski

    Megan Szymanski


    Beautiful arrangement! Arrived in a timely fashion. Looks exactly like the picture!

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    Suhail Ramirez


    The worst experience ever! My husband had flowers delivered to my work place for Valentine’s Day yesterday. The floral arrangement was delivered and to my surprise the flowers were all half dead. I decided to call the very same day. I spoke to a very pleasant lady. I explained to her that I was very unhappy with the dead flowers I received. She apologized and agreed to pick up the floral arrangement and re deliver the next day. The next day I did receive my floral arrangement but the flowers were in worst condition than the first arrangement. All the flowers were half dead and the water in the vase smelled horrible. Like it was sitting around for days! I feel terrible my husband went through 1800 flowers and chose this horrific florist! I give this place no stars- if I could!

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    Lynne O


    I ordered 2 large sprays for a wake . When I arrived at the wake, 15 minutes after it began, the flowers were nowhere to be found. When I questioned the funeral director he said they arrived late and they were being brought up to be put in the back of the room. I was so glad they were put in the back because they were hideous. The few flowers in the sprays were damaged and half dead. I was so embarrassed. The joke at the wake was "did you see the hideous flowers in the back". Glad they made everyone laugh at a sad time but never want to live through that again.

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    Claudette King


    Not sure about the other reviews...BUT I'm thoroughly pleased and satisfied. Their customer service is FANTASTIC. I had a problem with "my perception" of what a size of an arrangement was. I called to express my disappointment and said I would call back. HOWEVER, before I could call back ANN-MARIE sent her designer [ANGELA to our church with her DAD] to make sure I was HAPPY. It doesn't get any better than that. If anyone has had a problem - PLEASE TRY THEM AGAIN! We all have bad days!!! I LOVE THEM!!!

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