Gourmet China i North Las Vegas

Forenede StaterGourmet China



🕗 åbningstider

6360, Simmons Street, 89031, North Las Vegas, Clark County, US USA
kontakter telefon: +1 702-776-8998
internet side: www.gourmetlv.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 36.275714, Longitude: -115.179236

kommentar 5

  • Kai



    Love this place. I had the orange chicken...a little too much sauce but still good. The beef noodle soup is the best hands down. They also put noodles on side so I can control carbs to zero. Almond cookie is bomb. I will be back

  • en

    Lan Owen


    Absolutely DISGUSTING! I've never had such a terrible experience with this place before this. Sure, the occasional missing item or they forgot something .I had the chance to do so I noticed a black curly HAIR in my food! THIS IS ABSOLUTELY DISGUSTING! I am so disturbed. I will NEVER order food from this place again.

  • Charles clark

    Charles clark


    I had orange chicken for lunch in it was absolutely delicious^_^ BUT Poor customer service! A 'slow on the draw 'Chinese girl. She doesn't know what I'm talking about!! Maybe my English is not good enough.Oh its Fine. If you don't want your time wasted. Not ordering from here again.

  • Darrin Valentine

    Darrin Valentine


    The place seems to be mainly for takeout because there's not much seating inside. They are getting better than first opening. The food I took home was very good, and they claim to have the best orange chicken in town. I think you'll be pleased for takeout, and maybe even eating there, if you have a small party. **Been back for a few meals and it's been good. 👍

  • en

    Alexander Roche


    Delicious! Service is impeccable. Was shocked how affordable the meal was given the amazing quality of food. They have a sign that says best orange chicken and it is very delicious. Is not overly breaded or fried. Highly recommend!

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