Gotham City Orthopedics LLC w Jersey City

Stany ZjednoczoneGotham City Orthopedics LLC



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100, Town Square Place, 07310, Jersey City, Hudson County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 973-928-1325
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.727042, Longitude: -74.033257

komentarze 5

  • Erika Bermudez

    Erika Bermudez


    If I could rate it 0 stars, I would. How are you a speciality doctor and tell your patient the same thing the primary doctor said? Went to Gothem City Orthopedics in Jersey City and the "doctor" wasn't "familiar" was my condition. Why are you an orthopedic doctor? Go back to medical school! Compete waste of time and money. I recommend you go to an orthopedist who's more experienced and qualified!

  • en

    Linda Koetter


    The office staff is very pleasant & helpful. I had my appointments with Dr Farber, very thorough & willing to answer all my questions. He performed surgery on my thumb & I am pleased with the outcome thus far.

  • Miguel Suarez

    Miguel Suarez


    Awful Service! Cannot speak for the Doctor as he was very professional, but I'm having to go to another doctor and start the process from scratch after two months because they would not get an authorization from the insurance because I might have an elbow tear ... almost no call backs, and I have called them about 10-12 times.

  • en

    Akash Uppal


    Time of appointment to actual seeing a doctor was1hr 35 Minutes. No respect for time When you come here be prepared to spend at least 1hour waiting from your appointment time. What they don’t tell you is that they have these stupid forms that they will make you fill out that take at least 20 minutes then they run you insurance info and after all that is done then they put you on the list to see the doctor. The forms have repetitive questions and trust me the doctor won’t even go through it as he will ask you the same thing all over again. Then you get called for your turn and this assistant ask you why are you here I couldn’t resist but laugh at her face . So now you wait again ....

  • en

    Steven Huang


    Same thing happen here. They called me for a bill which happened on 2014. And give me their Clifton's address to convince me. I have clearly remembered that I have I never been to Clifton before. Then they told me maybe the Jersey City. How could they require me to pay for a 3 year ago bill without knowing where exactly I went? DO NOT GO THERE UNLESS YOU WANT TO GET A BILL IN 3 YEARS!!!!

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