Goodyear Auto Service Center en McLean

Estados UnidosGoodyear Auto Service Center



🕗 horarios

6820, Old Dominion Drive, 22101, McLean, Fairfax County, US United States
contactos teléfono: +1 703-356-1005
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 38.9348375, Longitude: -77.1788827

comentarios 5

  • en

    Nicholas Tiscione


    The most competent and professional service in McLean. I own nine automobiles and would never consider bringing them anywhere else. Eddie and Henry are top notch in every way. I recommend their shop without hesitation.

  • Rushabh Shah

    Rushabh Shah


    Replaced tires and did wheel alignment. Henry Shimberg was great gentlemen to work with. I am very happy with the pricing and service. Also courteous nature of these people is worth noting.

  • Charles Ferry

    Charles Ferry


    DO NOT GO HERE. I scheduled an appt. online, four days in advance, I needed an oil change while I was driving from DC to Lynchburg. I arrived 10 minutes early to my appointment, waiting for several minutes for someone to help me, a man angrily came to the front desk after I rang the bell. He was very, very rude, and told me I would have to wait 4 hours (!!) for just my oil to be changed because two new appointments were made that morning for the same time, even though I made my appointment several days prior. He was very inconsiderate and rude and went off on me for scheduling an appt. online rather than by phone. Terrible service and even worse customer relations. Avoid this place like the plague. Go to Jiffy Lube, they'll get you in and out with no appointment in barely over an hour.

  • Brianna Rojas-Elton

    Brianna Rojas-Elton


    When I took my car to Eddie it was definitely in need of some work. I dropped it off on a Wednesday morning and was scheduled to pick it up in the early afternoon. He must have known that I was little overwhelmed in the morning because when I picked it up I noticed it was super shiny. Eddie had surprised me with a free car wash! A big thanks to Eddie and his team; my car received A+ service!

  • Amber Huang

    Amber Huang


    I had to wait for 1.5 hours but I got my tire repaired for free! Great service. I’ll definitely go there again for paid service.

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