Good Karma Vapor i Fair Lawn

Forenede StaterGood Karma Vapor



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33, 01 Broadway, 07410, Fair Lawn, Bergen County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 201-773-8558
internet side:
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Latitude: 40.925293, Longitude: -74.103279

kommentar 5

  • en

    Mohamed Ghazy


    Spoke to Dan the owner good guy. We resolved that issue with costumer service He cares about his costumers and his business.

  • Michael Kazimir

    Michael Kazimir


    Great customer service! I called because I was running late, said my GPS would get me there by 7:58pm, they close at 8pm. Not only did they be sure to stay open, they provided me with options,offers and their expertise. I wasn't rushed out the door. They just earned my permanent business

  • en

    Jack Ass


    Most helpful vape spot. friendly. They remember faces. And they actually pick the really good juices/vapes for their shelves. Nice little couch to relax. And parking is decent. Only problem I had was having to go back to mundane life after lol. Anyway, go with good karma.

  • en

    Jaehoon Shim


    This vape shop honestly blew me away. Starting with the small things: wide variety of juice and hardware, friendly and knowledgable employees, and house juices. This place is clean and professional. What really drew me into here, however, is the wall of cigarette packs left by customers who quit smoking. This just tells me their true intentions other than running a business. 11/10 recommend

  • Elena Briggs

    Elena Briggs


    Love this place! People are so nice and helpful. Wouldn't go anywhere else.

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