Good Foods Co-op w Lexington

Stany ZjednoczoneGood Foods Co-op



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455, Southland Drive, 40503, Lexington, Fayette County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 859-278-1813
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 38.019988, Longitude: -84.526968

komentarze 5

  • en

    Melinda Ryles-Smith


    This is my go to place for organic, healthy food-especially bulk items. Love the cafe' which has the very best salad bar in town. It's small enough that you can get to know the regulars and the staff- very friendly, cool atmosphere.

  • en

    Drew Byron Meadows


    If you are into health food and general nutrition stores why the heck are you going to the mass corporate stores when you can go here. Absolutely the best staff in the entire city. Really one of my favorite places in the Bluegrass...and try the Kale....should be world famous.

  • Jerielle Hanlon

    Jerielle Hanlon


    I enjoy going here to shop, eat or to just drink tea and talk. A lot of really cool people are always in and out of here. Since I don't go to many bars anymore, this place feels like a hub where I can run into other artists and musicians or thoughtful people. I love the coffee selection, the meat and produce is mostly local. I always buy my eggs, meat and tea here. Great bulk spices as well. This place has many things that no other places have.

  • en

    Rardin Sterling


    LOVE shopping here for the things you are unable to locate in the normal grocery stores. A friend out of state recommended chocolate coconut water and unfortunately, they were unable to order the FOUR different types so I had to purchase them myself. I left one of each for them to try. I like the fact they are open to add more kinds of different to all their fresh veggies and herbal remedies. However, if you are looking for medicinal grade oils this is not the place to come. Find on-line a supplier which is FDA approved.

  • en

    Kathleen Brennan


    So excited i got brave enough to go to the big city for goat butter and organic vegetables. When i was a little kid we volunteered hours at the co op when it was first opened in a small space. 42 years ago maybe? Thank you for exceptional products a gluten intolerant person truly needs. My gluten free shampoo too!!!! So grateful to all your kind staff.kat

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