Goldilocks i Las Vegas

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterGoldilocks



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2797, South Maryland Parkway, 89109, Las Vegas, Clark County, US USA
kontakter telefon: +1 702-368-2253
internet side:
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Latitude: 36.1388967, Longitude: -115.1379865

kommentar 5

  • Elai Dugenio

    Elai Dugenio


    The servers are like walking dead my goodness, you chock to death before they see and hear you need waaaater please !!!!!!

  • O R

    O R


    Good food para Kano ako. Pero Mahal, 11.95 sinigang baboy at 8 dineguan. Love it best dineguan in Vegas.

  • Gerry Guinucud

    Gerry Guinucud


    the crew are not friendly atmosphere.

  • Tess Wetzel

    Tess Wetzel


    I ordered dinuguan and it’s sooo sweet OMG! Dinuguan not suppose to be sweet what the heck, also their palabok sucks it’s hard not enough sauce or meat geez , also way to expensive never coming back again

  • Mean TacoHulk

    Mean TacoHulk


    While in Las Vegas during a business travel I had the opportunity to fulfill a shopping list for my Asawa once she heard I was near a Goldilocks. Below are some photos from the trip. The staff was very nice there and although I didn't eat at the restaurant. I am sure the food is just as good as the bakery items I purchased and brought back home for the wife. Thanks for reading.

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