Golden Egg Roll i Tempe

Forenede StaterGolden Egg Roll



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3320, South Priest Drive, 85282, Tempe, Maricopa County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 480-921-9929
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Latitude: 33.3914682, Longitude: -111.9613962

kommentar 5

  • Tracy Simmons

    Tracy Simmons


    I absolutely love this restraunt! Went here almost every day while going through massage school. I go here at least once a month and always on mother's day. I have been going here since I was a kid, with MY mom. It's our favorite!!

  • Alondra Millan

    Alondra Millan


    Really enjoy the food here. One of the best Chinese food places I've gone too. Highly recommend!

  • April Udatsu

    April Udatsu


    Good food but a little dry. Only cream cheese in the “crab puffs”. I like that they know the difference being chow mein and lo mein. Singapore noodles are legit, albeit like I said, a bit dry. Fried chicken is on point. Quality meat and shrimp. I live nearby so I’ll definitely be back.

  • en

    Sarah pollock


    I love this place so much, they always get my order perfect even when I customize a lot. The house special chicken is the best!!!

  • Dwayne Somers

    Dwayne Somers


    I got take out. Chicken fried rice. Don't eat here unless you are looking to lose weight from being sick. This is what they call fully cooked chicken. This is horrible food. Nothing but uncooked chicken or ligaments. I paid for rice, 12 peas, a few carrot bits and an egg.

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